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The South Gataga Lakes, a haven for hunting in BC, are exclusively accessible by floatplane, offering a serene refuge amidst the Canadian Rocky Mountains.


Nestled within the Muskwa Kechika Wilderness Area in the Duna Za Keyih Provincial Park, some 80 air miles southeast of Muncho Lake, our South Gataga outpost cabin provides an idyllic retreat in the untouched mountain valley. The pristine South Gataga Valley is encircled by majestic snow-capped peaks of the northern Rocky Mountains.


Originating from a chain of four mountain lakes, the South Gataga River flows through this valley, with our cabin situated on the largest, spanning five miles. Rich with wildlife, the valley is home to beavers, otters, wolves, and an array of avian species.


Animals Frequently Observed 

The region's natural mineral lick, nestled on the second lake, attracts moose, caribou, and occasionally bears and is easily accessible by boat or canoe through a connecting stream. Moreover, it's a treasure trove for fishing enthusiasts, boasting remarkable catches of northern pike, lake trout, and arctic grayling.


Outpost cabin equipment

Equipped for your wilderness living, our South Gataga Lakes cabin offers foam mattresses, basic kitchenware with a 2-burner propane stove, cutlery, and a solar powered light. Amenities such as a solar shower bag and an outhouse ensure functional comfort in this remote setting.


Enhancing your experience, boats, motors, and a canoe are available for guests to navigate and explore the South Gataga Lakes, enabling memorable fishing and hunting expeditions amidst this tranquil wilderness.


For added convenience, guests are advised to bring their own generator, as the cabin is wired for electric lights and power, ensuring an enhanced experience in this remote wilderness sanctuary.

South Gataga Lake

© 2023 Fly-in BC Resident Hunting d.b.a Northern Rockies Adventures Ltd.

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