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Getting to Muncho Lake


Liard Tours Ltd. is located in northeastern British Columbia in the heart of the Muskwa-Kechika Wilderness Area. Less than 2.5 hrs north of Parker Lake in Fort Nelson is our main base; Northern Rockies Lodge in Muncho Lake Provincial Park, Mile 462 of the historic Alaska Highway.


Liard Tours Ltd. is easily reached via paved and well-maintained roads from southern BC. We are at Mile 462 of the world famous Alaska Highway!

Liard Tours Ltd. offers FREE parking to all BC resident hunters who fly out from the Muncho Lake base. 


Freezer plugins are available.  Bring your own freezer and have us plug it in before your pickup time so you can preserve your meat!


Our Address

Liard Tours Ltd.                               

Mile 462, Alaska Hwy. 

Box 8             

Muncho Lake, BC                      

V0C 1Z0                                      

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© 2023 Fly-in BC Resident Hunting d.b.a Northern Rockies Adventures Ltd.

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